Thursday 13 March 2014

Well3 Tiger Milk Mushroom

Well3 Tiger Milk Mushroom & CNI White Coffee Cendawan Susu Harimau

Pro- JV CNI Global

Why Global Pro-JV Plan?

The 10 unique features of Global Pro-JV Plan

1. Accumulate income without generation limit

Sales generated by all new downlines will be calculated without generation limit. Sponsors are entitled to enjoy New Distributor Sales Bonus. All sales accumulated by new downlines, regardless of their generation level (whether they are the 10th, the 100th or infinite generations), will be taken into account during bonus calculations. You can enjoy the Group Performance Bonus amounting to 5 digits.

2. Borderless and can be operated anywhere

i. The business can be operated either through the internet or meeting customers physically.
ii. You can also operate your business in the borderless international market, and without time and geographical constraints.

3. Generate income directly and quickly

i. Sales proceeds will be calculated and paid out every week. This method is more practical and attractive.
ii. Sponsors are able to enjoy New Distributor Sales Bonus by sponsoring new distributors.

4. Positioning system is practiced to maximize distributors' benefits.
All members in the organisation strive to build 3 lines so as to expand the organization’s network just like the roots of a tree that grow ever downwards. With that, distributors will receive returns with lucrative profits.

5. Fostering the spirit of cooperation between uplines and downlines
i. Each distributor can build 3 lines but the friends they can recruit are unlimited. This means the organisation network will expand like roots of a tree that grow ever downwards. Uplines can position new distributors on the lower layers of the organisation and allocate their sales to the chosen downlines in order to help build up the downlines’ networks and build a more stable and stronger organisation network.
ii. The benefits enjoyed by the sponsor will not be affected by other factors. It benefits both parties, that is the sponsor and the other party.

6. CV (Calculation Value) for bonus calculation will not return to zero. 

 As long as repeat purchase is maintained, CV will continue to accumulate.

7. There is no pressure to maintain personal group sales. 

You are entitled to enjoy all bonuses by only maintaining basic personal spending worth 20CV.

8. Your personal repeat purchases are also entitled for bonus calculation so that you can generate continuous income.

i. The Uni-level and ADC (Active Differential Compress) methods are used in calculating Uni-Level Bonus (Repeat Purchase Bonus).
ii. By sponsoring at least 7 downlines who make repeat purchases, you can then enjoy the Uni-Level Bonus for 7 generations and generate continuous income.

9. Group Performance Bonus

If the downline whom you sponsored successfully achieves the Group Performance Bonus, then you as the upline will receive additional incentive from the Company as recognition for your success in educating your downline.

10. Worldwide Incentive

If you share products with customers and expand your network in any of the countries where CNI is operating, you will then be able to enjoy the Worldwide Incentive from different countries.

The 7 main incomes that can be enjoyed through Global Pro-JV Plan:

1. New Distributor Sales Bonus 20%

2. Group Performance Bonus 6% - 12%

3. Leadership Bonus up to 49%

4. Network Linear Bonus 10%
5. Personal Sales Bonus 10 - 20%

6. Uni-Level Bonus 7% - 63%

7. Worldwide Incentive 3% - 6%

 Please click on the link below:

CNI Global Up 8'tive Perniagaan PRO JV Minuman Berkhasiat

CNI Global UP 8'Tive Beverage TVC Eng  

Products in CNI Global (CLICK on product name)

Beverage - Energy


Nutritions Package

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